Wrestling figure price tracker
Johnny Valiant action figure

Johnny Valiant

WWF LJN - Series 5

How much is Johnny Valiant unopened worth?
Our Unopened estimate $148
Our loose estimate $34
Price last updated: 1 April 2024

Viewing Johnny Valiant unopened wrestling action figure

Looking for Loose figure data? loose Johnny Valiant WWF LJN value and sales history

Estimated value over time for Johnny Valiant

This chart is Retrofigure's recommended value over time for the WWF LJN Johnny Valiant mint on card figure. Using sales data from various sources such as Ebay, Mercari and Etsy, our automated solution calculates an average value from the price of all sales.

Our most recent estimated value of Johnny Valiant Mint on Card (MOC) is $148

Discover the methodology behind our data calculation: on a weekly basis, retrofigure diligently analyzes hundreds of finalized online sales transactions. By leveraging this valuable sale data, we precisely calculate the estimated value of collectibles as it evolves over time. Our algorithm uses the last 24 months of sales data.

Current value trend (last month)
Retrofigure's unopened estimated value $148
Loose value View loose figure $34
Total sales since October 2022 17 sales

Click to see all of our vintage wrestling figure stock at our Wrestling Figure Online Shop.

Sales for Johnny Valiant figure

Date Site Price State
1986 WWF LJN LUSCIOUS JOHNNY V Autographed MOC Vin... 31st Aug $201
Luscious Johnny Valiant 1987 WWF LJN Titan Sports ... 26th Sep $57
1985 WWF Wrestling Superstars LJN Luscious Johnny ... 9th Dec $115
WWF JOHNNY VALIANT LJN Wrestling Superstars Manage... 12th Dec $106
WWF LJN LUSCIOUS JOHNNY V MOC - BUBBLE Completely ... 25th Dec $114
WWE WWF JOHNNY VALIANT LJN Wrestling Superstars Ma... 28th Jan Ebay $115
WWF LJN Wrestling Superstars LUSCIOUS JOHNNY VALIA... 3rd Mar Ebay $230
VTG 1987 LJN Toys WWF Wrestling Superstars Manager... 9th Mar Ebay $260
WWF LJN Wrestling Superstars Manager Luscious John... 9th Apr Ebay $200
Johnny Valiant MOC WWF Vintage 80's LJN Figure NEW... 14th Apr Ebay $300

Sales price chart over time for Johnny Valiant

This chart is a visual representation of all of the sales that we have detected for the Johnny Valiant figure. Retrofigure uses this data to calculate a fair value for the collectible.