Wrestling figure price tracker
Rick Steiner action figure

Rick Steiner

WWF Hasbro - Series 9

How much is Rick Steiner loose worth?
Loose estimate (opened) $47
Our unopened estimate $159
Depending on condition of the MOC $137-$176
Price last updated: 1 December 2024

Viewing loose Rick Steiner wrestling action figure information

Looking for MOC Mint on Card data? Rick Steiner WWF Hasbro unopened value and sales history

Estimated value over time for Rick Steiner (loose figure)

This chart is Retrofigure's recommended value over time for the WWF Hasbro Rick Steiner loose figure. Using sales data from various sources such as Ebay, Mercari and Etsy, our automated solution calculates an average value from the price of all sales.

Our most recent estimated value of Rick Steiner loose is $47

Discover the methodology behind our data calculation: on a weekly basis, retrofigure diligently analyzes hundreds of finalized online sales transactions. By leveraging this valuable sale data, we precisely calculate the estimated value of collectibles as it evolves over time. Our algorithm uses the last 24 months of sales data.

1994 wrestling action figure with Steiner Slam move

One half of the Steiner Brothers, Rick Steiner. This Rick is much harder to find than his brother Scott. This figure was released as the popularity of the WWF began to wane, so the Steiners were often found in bargain buckets at Toy Stores. Packaged on a vibrant purple backing card.

Brand WWF Hasbro
Collection Rarity Ranking 18th / 97
Current value trend (last month)
Value of figure loose $47
Retrofigure's unopened value View MOC figure $159
Total sales since May 2021 331 sales
GTIN 038976073834
Card Color
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Known for being the Dog Face Gremlin.
His favorite quote: "Woo! Woo! Woo!"
His future ambition is to seek and destroy opponents.

Click to see all of our vintage wrestling figure stock at our Wrestling Figure Online Shop.

About the WWF Hasbro line

The WWF Hasbro line ran between the years of 1990 to 1994, across 11 different series. Each figure had an action move, usually unique to the character, and the action would be in stark contrast to other competition wrestling figure lines of the era. Today, loose WWF Hasbros are incredibly popular on popular auction sites. Many have stumbled across their personal collections from their childhood, and now in adulthood seek to complete the full set. A number of unreleased prototypes have been found over the years, and a number of 2-ups and test shots have also emerged. The Mailaway figures of Bret, Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker are amongst the most expensive in the series, and particularly hard to find still in their original bag. These are also very tricky to find loose, and are amongst the most expensive figures in the line. In some cases, figures can be sourced with their original box, and the biography card that was found on the back of the card. A number of 'error' figures have been found, with slight adjustments to the original design. These fetch huge sums of money on auction sites such as Ebay.

WWF Hasbro series sales analysis: charts and data

Leverage our exclusive data to uncover valuable insights about the frequency of WWF Hasbro figure sales, retrofigure's estimated value for each collectible within the collection, and the figures that have garnered the highest number of bids, assessed against comprehensive sales data.

Sales history for the last 90 days for Rick Steiner WWF Hasbro figure

buy Rick Steiner figures on Ebay

The table below presents a list of all sales of Rick Steiner over the last 90 days, and contains the site on which the item was sold, the price that the figure had been sold for, and on the date that the transaction was concluded. The Retrofigure team also manually checks and ranks the quality of the figure that had been sold, and this is colour coded according to condition. For example, a perfect item would be marked with a green colour, an average condition item would receive an orange rating, and a poor quality item labelled brown.

Date Site Price State
WWF Rick Steiner Series 9 Wrestling figure WCW NWO... 17th Sep Ebay $32
1991 WWF Hasbro Rick Steiner Action Figure... 19th Sep Ebay $54
Rick Steiner Hasbro near mint working action wwf w... 23rd Sep Ebay $48
WWF WWE Hasbro Wrestling Figure. Series 9: Rick St... 29th Sep Ebay $13
Wwf Rick Steiner Steiner Brothers Hasbro Series 9 ... 30th Sep Ebay $49
WWF Rick Steiner Series 9 Wrestling figure WCW NWO... 1st Oct Ebay $40
Rick Steiner WWF Hasbro series 9... 2nd Oct Ebay $60
WWF Rick Steiner Series 9 Wrestling figure WCW NWO... 8th Oct Ebay $48
wwf hasbro rick steiner Wrestling Figure WWE... 9th Oct Ebay $48
1993 Hasbro WWF Rick Steiner Not Packaged Series 9... 16th Oct Ebay $39
WWF WWE Hasbro Wrestling Figure. Series 9: Rick St... 24th Oct Ebay $47
New listingWWF Hasbro Rick Steiner Action Figure 1... 28th Oct Ebay $20
Rick Steiner WWF Hasbro Series 9 Action Figure Toy... 6th Nov Ebay $35
WWF WWE Hasbro Wrestling Figure. Series 9: Rick St... 15th Nov Ebay $32
Rick Steiner WWF WWE Hasbro Action Figure Wrestlin... 17th Nov Ebay $59
WWF Hasbro Rick Steiner - WWE Mattel LJN Action Fi... 18th Nov Ebay $51
New listingWWF Hasbro Series 9 Rick Steiner - MINT... 19th Nov Ebay $36
WWF Hasbro Rick Steiner Action Figure 1991 Officia... 21st Nov Ebay $56
WWF Rick Steiner Series 9 Hasbro Wrestling Action ... 22nd Nov Ebay $51
WWF Hasbro Rick Steiner Action Figure 1991 Officia... 29th Nov Ebay $41

Sales price chart over time (without accessory) for Rick Steiner

This chart is a visual representation of all of the sales that we have detected for the Rick Steiner figure. Retrofigure uses this data to calculate a fair value for the collectible.