Wrestling figure price tracker
Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 action figure

Macho Man Randy Savage Retro (1st release)

WWE Retro - Series 5 (Mattel)

How much is Macho Man Randy Savage Retro loose worth?
Loose estimate (opened) $57
Our unopened estimate $72
Price last updated: 1 December 2024

Viewing loose Macho Man Randy Savage Retro wrestling action figure information

Looking for MOC Mint on Card data? Macho Man Randy Savage Retro WWE Mattel Retro unopened value and sales history

Estimated value over time for Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 (loose figure)

This chart is Retrofigure's recommended value over time for the WWE Retro Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 loose figure. Using sales data from various sources such as Ebay, Mercari and Etsy, our automated solution calculates an average value from the price of all sales.

Our most recent estimated value of Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 loose is $57

Discover the methodology behind our data calculation: on a weekly basis, retrofigure diligently analyzes hundreds of finalized online sales transactions. By leveraging this valuable sale data, we precisely calculate the estimated value of collectibles as it evolves over time. Our algorithm uses the last 24 months of sales data.

Authentic Superstar Moves: Macho Man Elbow

Macho's NWO release is becoming more difficult to find mint on card and is considered one of the most rare figures from the entire WWE Retro collection.

Brand WWE Retro
Current value trend (last month)
Value of figure loose $57
Retrofigure's unopened value View MOC figure $72
Total sales since June 2022 45 sales

Click to see all of our vintage wrestling figure stock at our Wrestling Figure Online Shop.

Sales history for the last 90 days for Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 figure

The table below presents a list of all sales of Macho Man Randy Savage Retro over the last 90 days, and contains the site on which the item was sold, the price that the figure had been sold for, and on the date that the transaction was concluded. The Retrofigure team also manually checks and ranks the quality of the figure that had been sold, and this is colour coded according to condition. For example, a perfect item would be marked with a green colour, an average condition item would receive an orange rating, and a poor quality item labelled brown.

Date Site Price State
WWE/WWF Retro/Hasbro - Mattel - NWO Macho Man Rand... 14th Sep Ebay $64
WWE Mattel Retro Macho Man Randy Savage Series 5 N... 20th Sep Ebay $27
WWE Mattel Retro Macho Man Randy Savage Series 5 N... 28th Sep Ebay $29
WWE MACHO MAN Randy Savage Retro Mattel WWF NWO Ac... 3rd Oct Ebay $47
WWE Retro Series 5 Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestlin... 9th Oct Ebay $68
WWE MACHO MAN Randy Savage Retro Mattel Loose Mint... 27th Oct Ebay $52

Sales price chart over time (without accessory) for Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1

This chart is a visual representation of all of the sales that we have detected for the Macho Man Randy Savage Retro 1 figure. Retrofigure uses this data to calculate a fair value for the collectible.